For the Kommunarka project, the Institute of Design and Urban Studies at ITMO University estimated the projected number of residents based on the Housing Code of the Russian Federation No. 188-FZ dated 12/29/2004 (as amended on 04/22/2024, as amended. dated 04/25/2024) (with amendments and additions, intro. effective from 07/01/2024). Using the Digital Urbanism Platform, an analysis of the sufficiency of infrastructure facilities, an analysis of urban planning norms and design rules was carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 21, 2021 No. 2152-PP "On approval of standards of urban planning design of the city of Moscow in the field of trade, service and provision of comfortable and favorable living conditions for citizens in residential facilities."
According to the analysis, a table of the composition of services, the number of users of infrastructure facilities and the required total area of facilities was obtained. The facility placement proposal is based on the "15-minute city" concept, which consists in placing all the services necessary for life within a 15-minute accessibility. The concept is considered suitable for the projected territory, based on its size, design proposal and location relative to the transport framework of Moscow. The placement of infrastructure facilities was proposed after analyzing the transport connectivity of the projected blocks with the rest of Moscow and the location of existing infrastructure facilities and their capacity, that is, the number of citizens already provided with this type of infrastructure.